i’m sick of hearing about the pixies
the pixies are in australia at the moment. they are a very important band, who invented music, and also invented time and space. many may previously have believed that the pixies emerged as a by-product of the conjunction of time and space, but it turns out that they actually predate material existence, as evidenced by the phenomenal potency of their musical importance. i remember the first time i heard a pixies song, it was soon after that that i began to perceive the seventh dimension.
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I can only agree.
well you’re an idiot.
I love Pixies, but this is still hilarious.
Yes, I agree with Emily. But what a funny idiot you are ;)
a funny bag of dicks i’d say. leave the pixies alone
the pixies rules don’t be silly
you’re the boss, jesus
yes infact they did invent time and space, which includes d-bags like u. ::sry, ok so ur not a d-bag but, the pixies fukn rule…spend ur hate on hawthorne heights; or the misfits with graves::
Just picture a pile of turds covered in piss, in a bed of caramell vomit. Then add some ear wax and boogers. That’s you.
Fucking shit It’s true Pixies are egocentric like Jack Gallgher and his fucking brother. Pixies did not invent music, they create some music. It’s a band that’s all. Descartes, He invented something big, close to space and time. Use your mind!
i would like to shit and piss in the mouth of the person who done this. a really sloppy shit, and really dehydrated yellow piss. ill then wipe my arse on there nose. i would then proceed in doing the peoples elbow on them followed by the worm and even maybe do the 3D with a willing tag team partner. if they dont mind getting all shitty.
finally, some intelligent debate on this page
they didnt invent music… i did.
The pixies are a fucking deadly band. Kim Deal is a bit of a prick but they’re still great. The picture is funny but Charles Michael Kittridge Thompson IV DID invent music, time and space.
I love the pixies and do believe they invented music or at least modern-day rock, but this is funny in a satirical kind of way.
everyone likes band until they become so popular that even the people that certain fan hates begins to like them as well. yes i understand that everyone likes the pixies now but did you ever think that maybe it was because maybe theyre just that fucking great? its no law of physics that they fuckin rule but you shouldnt project your insecurities on other people asshole, oh and by the way i invented music time and space bitch! thank you.
This seems more based on the fans of the Pixies and not the band themselves. The Pixies are an outstanding group but they do tend to have duchy fans who take the greatness of the band way out of proportion
The Pixies never treated anyone or the music industry wrong or even exploited theyre popularity. they just make music. i am thankful for them and they continue to be one of my favorite bands along with radiohead, smashing pumpkins, cage the elephant, yeah yeah yeah’s and Public Chapman. i wont go on about how great they are or anything dumb like that. I just dont understand why a band as good and non-egotisticle as they are, francis isn’t a Billy Corgan. He’s a smart, intellectual man who deserves respect, not for his accomplishments with his music but for the fact that him along with the rest of the band besides Kim Deal have all managed to stay true without letting all the popularity get to their head. i mean for fucks sake! everytime their introduced on stage their referred to as “The Legendary Pixies” what the hell? i really doubt that was their idea. just like the pixies or dont, it doesnt matter but just because you dont like them doesnt mean you need to slander them with your bullshit. just appreciate music and move on.the only other band i can think of that would rightfully deserve this kind of sarcastic bullying is the smashing pumpkins, great band but they all have cheese graters struck up their asses. and Billys’s new shit sounds like on old chines women. there iv made my peace.
This is terribly unfunny.
hi, now I know who invented idiocy.
By the way, I’ve never seen paintbrush used so lamely. You suck, definitely.
A lot.
I got a broken face aha aha… aha oooou