
 /// Established 2005 /// Faux Pas is Tim Shiel, an electronic music maker from Melbourne ///

fresh new look

Published on February 24, 2011

the faux pas blog is dead, long live the faux pas blog

a blowing out of the cobwebs around here has been long overdue, the last theme that i made was kind of cool but i think was also pretty overwhelming. and i’ve been wanting to integrate a soundcloud widget into the site for ages – so you can actually listen to what it is that i do – so finally, it is done. if things don’t work or you have feedback please get in touch.

i’m also guilty of not writing a blog post for about six months. over the last couple of years, i’ve become completely addicted to and haven’t had the patience for the long form of the game, and its a shame because there are some rants from the past that i’m quite proud to have written. hopefully with a bit more discipline you’ll see some of them again from me this year.

you’ll be happy to know that i still seem to be incapable of using capital letters, just like a moody fifteen year old girl on her livejournal, or iggy pop:

anyway so i’m back, the blog posts will be bigger than ever hopefully, and if you want the short pithy absurdities, they occur regularly at the

i may have left the blog to gather dust but there’s been plenty going on. i’m making music quicker and easier than ever before, which is nice, considering that the last album was so laboured and at times felt like such a trial. (with good results …) i try and upload new jams to soundcloud as soon as i create them, which i think might have resulted in a bit of overload over there. i am reaching the 4 hour limit that soundcloud imposes on their ‘lite’ customers, so might need to start culling things back. does anyone really want to sit on my soundcloud page and listen to four hours of my music? i don’t know.

i’ve been doing plenty of remixes since putting out the rat vs possum and flying scribble ones in the middle of last year – but none of them have quite seen the light of day yet for various reasons. stay tuned for remixes of: worst friends, josephine, hammocks and honey, congo tardis #1. you might not know those names, but you totally should. go google them now. the website is http://www.google.com. at some point i’d love to collate a bunch of the remixes i’ve made over the last 5 years and put them out as a compilation. its on the to-do list.

a lot of things are on the to-do list. maybe if i write them down here, it’ll force me to make them happen:

- release “Lostworks”, the companion album to Noiseworks, for free
- a remix compilation
- a new EP, probably called “Permatations,” released on vinyl

these are good releases, looking forward to showing them to you

oh and i am trying to start a band. regular readers (hi mum) will know that this is in direct opposition to everything that i wrote here

lastly, i joined the touring band for belgian-australian pop juggernaut gotye late last year, and have played a handful of dates with him already, including a show at the sydney festival and a bunch of laneway festivals all around this brown land. in the band i play MIDI, and just generally look uncomfortable, but i’m learning more than i thought was humanly possible, on a crazy steep learning curve that i think will result in me being a better musician. so thats keeping me busy. there’ll be more shows later in the year once he releases his next album. i’ve heard some of the new album – its ridiculous.

ok. i’ll be back shortly to tell you about “stoffelsworks” – a limited edition CD that i released a couple of weeks ago. limited to 1 copy. more on that soon.

Filed under: music