
 /// Est. 2005 /// RIP 2012 /// Faux Pas is Tim Shiel, an electronic music maker from Melbourne ///


Published on August 27, 2007

holidays are things that you earn after long periods of working really hard doing unfulfilling tasks, which is why the idea of me going on holiday right now seems somewhat farcical. but thats exactly what i’m doing.

when i return in a couple of weeks, i’ll be starting an 18-part series of posts (for real!) where i’m gonna go track-by-track through a sixty minute set i’ve recently assembled for the good folks at funky web periodical research and development – my mix is going to be featured as part of their next issue, and for numerous reasons i’ve decided to get jiggy with a full-on track-by-track rundown. there’s gonna be a bucketload of mp3s and a lot of me talking shit, because if you ask me, there hasn’t been enough of that around here in the last couple of months. a lot of youtube greatness, but not enough of me talking shit.

in the meantime head over to r&d and check out their last issue before they update it with the new one – and while you are there have a dig around the mixes section to find hidden gems from mountains in the sky, hey convict! and will holland aka quantic among many many others. these guys is good guys.

while i’m gone, you have homework. get your hands on mccartney ii:

apply liberally to effected areas twice daily. if problem persists, please see a doctor in the seventh dimension.

MP3: Paul McCartney – Secret Friend

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oh, one more thing. does anyone want a faux pas t-shirt? cos i might be getting on to that soon.


  1. I’d love a shirt, as would the army.

  2. Van Bongo says:

    McCartney thinks he’s Cluster!

  3. Kim Ji says:

    I’ll have a Faux Pas t-shirt! It’s almost t-shirt weather, after all. I was lucky enough to sport my Tintin t-shirt on that 25° day this week, and I recalled the joys of no sleeves.

    I’m trying to track down Paul McCartney II… Secret Friend is tripping me out. It sounds like something off the Panda Bear album, Person Pitch. And I STILL can’t get Wings ‘Letting Go’ out of my head… it’s been almost two weeks >_

  4. Pavle says:

    A Faux Pas t-shirt would be better than the Domovoi Peeping at the Sleeping Merchant Wife, by Boris Kustodiev.

    Or anything by Gustav Klimt.

    Aw, c’mon. I love all three.